
Sunday, July 8, 2018

The top facts about the Planet: Uranus | Coldest Planet of Solar System | Spacegrips

Uranus the seventh planet from the sun. It is also the third largest planet in our solar system. The fourth-largest planetary mass and third-largest planetary radius belongs to this planet.In our solar system there are four gaseous planets, but Uranus and Neptune are kept in the category of Ice Giants that make them separate from Gas Giants.

Here are the top facts about the Planet: Uranus

top facts about the Planet: Uranus

Rings of the Uranus: 

Rings Of Uranus
Rings Of Uranus
Uranus also has rings which the second most vivid in the Solar System. It has 11 inner and  2 outer rings making it 13 distinct rings. 

The rings are not as spectacular as Saturn's ring but the brightest ring is the epsilon ring. Since this ring is very few kilometers wide, it is not believed to have formed with Uranus.

One of the least dense planet in the Solar system:

Uranus is the least densest planet which is next to the planet Saturn. The planet would float if it were placed in a pool around 70,000 km wide. The density of the planet is 1.23 grams per cubic centimeter. 

Assuming you can stand on its cloud tops we can experience roughly 89% of the force of gravity. The reason for this is its low density.

Only a single trip to Uranus has been made yet: Voyager 2

The only spacecraft to pass to pass the planet is the Voyager 2. In 1986, NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft flown past Uranus. When it was flying it was at a distance of around 81,500 km away from the surface of the planet. 
Only a single trip to Uranus has been made yet: Voyager 2
Including the very first close-up photos of the Uranus the mission has brought lots of information about the planet. 

Scientists got to know about its orbiting moons and its ring system. As close as Voyager 2 no other spacecraft has approached this planet yet.
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Moons of Uranus are named after characters created by Alexander Pope and William Shakespeare:

Uranus have 27 moons and three of them are named after the characters created by Alexander Pope and Shakespeare. These include Oberon, Titania and Miranda. Miranda is the most interesting moon. 

It has terraces, canyons and other strange looking surface areas. Rest of the moon, all are frozen worlds with dark surfaces.

The only planet in the Solar system that takes its name from Greek mythology:

Sir William Herschel
Sir William Herschel
Planets were named after Roman gods which is the traditional rule, but it's not the case with Uranus. Uranus got its name from the Greek god of the sky, Ouranos. 

A German astronomer named Johann Bode proposed the name Uranus.

Although Herschel don't want it to be like that. After King George III of England as “Georgian Sidus,” he named the planet which actually means “The Georgian Planet.”

Uranus is the coldest planet in the solar system:

Uranus is nearly coldest planet in the solar system with minimum atmospheric temperature of -224°C. Its climate is also very extreme. The atmosphere gets heated up that can start spring storms if it’s not chilled. 

While Neptune doesn’t get as cold as Uranus. The upper atmosphere of Uranus is covered by a methane haze which hides the storms that take place in the cloud decks.

Uranus orbits the sun sideways in a clockwise direction:

Uranus orbits the sun sideways in a clockwise direction
We all know that the other planets in the solar system spin around the sun but this is not the case with the planet Uranus. Uranus “rolls” around the sun.  

Uranus is tipped over with an axial tilt of 98 degrees whereas the  Saturn’s is at 26.7 degrees tilted away from the sun, Earth’s is at 23.5 degrees and Mars’s is at 24 degrees.

Uranus's one year in is equivalent to 84 Earth years:

Yes, it's true. One year on Uranus is equal to 84 years on the Earth. Uranus is about 2.8 billion kilometres away from the sun. 
Uranus's one year in is equivalent to 84 Earth years
This is the main it reason it takes so long period to complete one round of the sun. 

The planet will last for 42 Earth years, and this will be followed by winter for another 42 years. Although 1 revolution is completed by Uranus in 17 hours and 14 minutes.

More Info:

 A chemical element, Uranium is named after the planet:

UraniumUranium is the chemical element that is named after Uranus.  

Just a few years after the discovery of the planet in 1789, German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth named the chemical element after Uranus

So these are some of the amazing facts about the planet: Uranus

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