
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Solar System Facts: Planets which are Orbiting Our Sun - Spacegrips

In our solar system the planets and their satellites also the sun and many important things are present. This entire universe, solar system or to say our earth has it's life itself also the entire universe is filled with many mysteries. 
Solar System
Solar System
In this article we will read about the components of our solar system, i.e., Planets, Satellites, Comets, Sun, etc. First of all let's begin with the biggest star that is the Sun


  • It is believed or rather to say Sun is called the center of the solar systemIt is situated in the center of the solar system that means the other planets revolve around the Sun. 
  • Also the Sun is the nearest star to the Earth which means according to distance from stars to the Earth, Sun is the number one in the list of 200 billion stars
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  • Sun is composed or say it is a reservoir of helium and hydrogen. A great amount of energy is available in the sun which is the result of great amount of helium and hydrogen. 
So let's move forward to the star category.


  • The stars are basically the energy of self. 
  • Stars revolve around the Sun. There are 200 billion of stars present in our solar system revolving.
In Solar System let's proceed into the planets. So as we all know our solar system has 8 number of total planets

Earlier till  2006 it was 9 planets which  included Pluto but later on it was identified as a 'dwarf planet' which got discovered further in the pile of the Kuiper belt.

It is now officially known as 'Astroide Number 134340'. So the 8 planets are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus & Neptune

The first planet among these bodies to revolve around the sun is the Mercury planet.


  • This planet is the smallest planet in our solar system
  • It travels/completes one full revolution in 88 days since it is very near to the Sun it's revolution takes very less days. 
  • It is the shortest time in our solar system
Next planet comes to the list is the planet Venus.


  • Venus is also called true planet. This planet is the neighbor planet of the Earth
  • It takes 0.615 Earth years to complete one revolution on around the Sun
  • Due to the same size and texture like that of the earth it is called twin sister of the earth
  • 90% of CH4 + Co2 are present on this planet. It is the hottest planet in our solar system
  • In our solar system Mercury is the nearest planet to the Sun but then also the Venus is the most hottest planet. 
  • Around the sun it revolves from east to west direction where the sun turns out from the west and crops in the east direction.
The third planet in the solar system is the Earth.


  • It is the only planet which is known for its life and where life can exist. 
  • Talking about the satellite of the earth, moon is only the satellite of the earth
  • Amazingly the earth's density is the highest density in our solar system
  • Earth is tilted at 23.5 degrees in its axis. There are different types of weather in our Earth due to which it tilts at 23.5 degrees.
Next comes the another neighbor planet of Earth, i.e, the planet Mars
Red Planet: Mars


  • Mars has red surface on it due to lots of iron oxide which is the reason the planet is also called 'Red Planet'. 
  • It is also a rocky planet so it is believed that in future humans will be settled in
  • Research has been going on and talking about the satellites it has two known natural satellites namely Phobos and Deimos
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Next planet comes in the list is the planet number 5 which is the Jupiter


  • Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and surprisingly there are approximately 67 satellites of it. 
  • It takes 9 hours 30 minutes for the axis to rotate on, i.e, it takes 9 hours and 30 minutes to complete 1 day. 
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  • Talking about the biggest satellite, the planet Jupiter has the biggest of all whic is known as Ganymade
Number 6th planet is the planet Saturn


  • It looks like a mysterious planet due to its ring but because of the Ring in it, it is also called the Jewel of the solar system
  • It is also the last planet in our solar system which can be seen with open Eyes. 
  • Also talking about the satellites of Saturn, it has approximately 67 natural satellites and Titan is the second largest satellite of the solar system
  • Saturn have the lowest density in the solar system
Next int he list is Uranus


  • This planet is tilted more than 90 degrees so it is called recumbent planet
  • In lots of articles it can be seen written recumbent Planet now you know why it is called recumbent planet
  • Approximately 28 number of total natural satellites are there and which also rotate in opposite direction like Venus from West and drop in the East.
Last planet is the planet Neptune.


  • It is located very far from Sun and Earth has about. 
  • This planet consist of 14 number of satellites and the planet is the coldest planet in our solar system
  • Since it is very far away from sun. Neptune planet completes the orbit of the sun in 164 years. 
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Now let's read about our Ex- 9th planet that is the dwarf planet Pluto


  • It is smaller in size and there are five Dwarf Planets known in our solar system. They are Pluto, Sereas, Home, Makemake and Eiris
  • It was brought by International Astronomical Union. Pluto came in the orbit of Neptune and also it was smaller in size which result of removal from the list. 
Also Read:
  • On August 24, 2006 this planet was extinguished by astronomical scientists from the planetary class.
Now let's read about the Moon


  • It takes 27 days to move around in the axis and orbiting the earth
  • It has only one natural satellite, i.e., Earth
  • We always see only one part of the Moon, this is because as long as the moon takes time to rotate in its axis, it takes time to revolve around the Earth


  • Asteroids are also called miniature stars which is located in a very large number between planets Mars and Jupiter
  • It revolves around the Sun. Meteors are very small in size. 
  • It is destroyed due to friction given before it falls into the earth.


  • It is very large in size which do not burn due to friction and they goes into the earth
  • A lot of damage is done by a meteoroids when it hits any planet. 
  • It is believed that in ancient time meteoroids was dropped due to which the dinosaurs were extinct from the Earth.


  • Comets is also called caudate star
  • It is made of ice dust particles and reserves of gases. 
  • The most famous comet in our universe is the Ketu Hali which appears every 76 years which was last seen in the year 1982 will now be visible in here to 2062. 
More Info About Solar System:



  • It is a celestial body which revolve around the planets on it's own axis. 
  • If all the planets join the satellites, then there are approximately 181 known satellites in our solar system.

That's all from this blog. Hope you like it. I upload this types of blogs regularly and all of us will reveal the mysteries of universe and space.Thank you.

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