
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

August 29, 2018

Top 10 amazing facts about planet Saturn | Spacegrips

The sixth planet from the sun and the planet that is most far away can be seen with the naked eye, is none other than Saturn. Saturn was first discovered by astronomer Galileo Galile in 1610. It is the second largest planet,  Like Jupiter Planet , there is a huge gas reservoir on Saturn and it is composed of hydrogen, helium and methane gases. 

Saturn Mystery

Here are some 10 amazing facts about Saturn:

 1. Saturn has only been visited 4 times by any spacecraft

Yes, only 4 spacecraft has been sent from Earth have ever visited Saturn, and three of these were just brief flybys. The first was Pioneer 11, in 1979, which flew within 20,000 km of Saturn. Next came Voyager 1 in 1980, and then Voyager 2 in 1981.

A few missions have been proposed, including such radical concepts as a sailboat that could traverse the liquid methane lakes on Titan. Unfortunately, there are no future plans to send any more spacecraft to Saturn.

2. There could be life near Saturn

NASA’s Cassini spacecraft recently discovered ice geysers blasting out of Enceladus’ southern pole. This means that some process is keep the moon warm enough that water can remain a liquid underneath the surface. 

And wherever we find liquid water on Earth, we find life. Altough, the planet is way too hostile to support life. But there could be life on one of Saturn’s moons i.e., Enceladus.

3. The least dense planet in the Solar System is Saturn

The planet has a density of 0.687 grams/cubic centimeter.  Since Saturn is less dense than water, it would actually float like an apple if you could find a pool large enough. Just for comparison, water is 1 g/cm3 and the Earth is 5.52.

 4. Saturn has 62 number of moons

Jupiter has 67 discovered moons whereas Saturn is a close second with 62. The most are tiny – just a few km across, and they have no official names. Some of these are large, like Titan. 

The second largest moon in the Solar System. In fact, the last few were discovered by NASA’s Cassini orbiter just a few years ago. 

5. The rings of Saturn sometimes disappears 

To be very honest they don’t actually disappear, but they look like they’re going away. Just like Earth Saturn’s axis is tilted. We see Saturn’s changing position as it takes its 30 year journey around the Sun. 

Sometimes, the rings are fully open, and we see them in all their glory, but other times we see the rings edge on – it looks like they’ve disappeared. This happened in 2008-2009, and will happen again in 2024-2025.

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6. At first the rings were thought to be moon

It wasn’t until 1655 that the Dutch astronomer Christian Huygens used a better telescope to observe Saturn. He had the resolution to realize that the moons on either side of Saturn were actually rings: “a thin, flat ring, nowhere touching, and inclined to the ecliptic.” 

When Galileo first turned his rudimentary telescope on Saturn in 1610, he could see Saturn and its rings, but he didn’t know what he was looking at. 

He though that the rings might actually be two large moons stuck to either side of Saturn.

7. The length of a day on Saturn was a mystery until recently

By one measurement, Saturn takes 10 hours and 14 minutes to turn on its orbit, but when Cassini approached Saturn, it clocked the rotation at 10 hours and 45 minutes. 

Astronomers now agree on an average day of 10 hours, 32 minutes and 35 seconds. To determine the rotational speed of Saturn, astronomers had to measure the rotation of the planet’s magnetic field.

Unlike Mercury, you can’t just watch to see how long it takes for a specific crater to rotate back into view; astronomers needed to come up with a clever solution: the magnetic field.

Determining the rotation speed of Saturn was actually very difficult to do, because the planet doesn’t have a solid surface. 

8. Saturn can be seen by our eyes too

To see the rings and the ball of the planet itself, you’ll want to peer through a telescope. If Saturn is in the sky at night, you can head outside and see it. 

Saturn appears as one of the 5 planets visible with the unaided eye. But you can amaze your friends and family by pointing out that bright star in the sky, and let them know they’re looking at Saturn.

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9.  Saturn’s rings could be old, or they could be young.

It’s possible that they’re the left over material when Saturn formed in the solar nebula. The material in the rings might have gotten jostled by Saturn’s gravity, and never could pull together into a cohesive Moon. 

But astronomers have also found that the ring material looks just too clean to have formed so long ago, and could be as young as 100 million years old. It’s all just a big mystery.

It’s also possible that Saturn’s rings have been around since the beginning of the Solar System – around 4.54 billion years ago. Or maybe they’re relatively brand new compared to the age of Saturn. 

Astronomers still don’t fully understand the origin of Saturn’s rings.They might have formed recently, when a 300-km ice moon was torn apart by Saturn’s gravity, forming a ring around the planet.

10.  Saturn is a flattened ball

We have a similar phenomenon here on Earth, where points on the equator are more distant from the center of the Earth, but on Saturn, it’s much more extreme.

While the distance from the center to the poles is 54,000 km, the distance from the center to the equator is 60,300 km. In other words, locations on the equator are approximately 6,300 km more distant from the center than the poles.

Saturn spins so quickly on its axis that the planet flattens itself out into an oblate spheroid. Seriously, you see this by eye when you look at a picture of Saturn; it looks like someone squished the planet a little. Of course, it’s the rapid spinning that’s squishing it, causing the equator to bulge out.

That's all from this blog, 10 amazing facts about Saturn. Hope you like it. I upload this types of blogs regularly and all of us will reveal the mysteries of universe and space.

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Thursday, July 26, 2018

July 26, 2018

First Lake Of Liquid Water On Mars Discovered | Spacegrips

First Lake Of Liquid Water Discovered On Mars

First Lake Of Liquid Water Discovered On Mars

First Lake Of Liquid Water is located under a layer of Martian ice. It is the largest body of liquid water ever found on the Red Planet. According to the researchers in the US journal Science, the lake is about 12 miles wide.

Raising and increasing the possibility of more water or even life, a massive underground lake has been detected for the first time on Mars by the international astronomers. 

Mars is now cold, barren and dry but used to be warm and wet. It was home to plenty of liquid water and lakes at least 3.6 billion years ago.

Alan Duffy who is an associate professor at Swinburne University in Australia, according to him this stunning discovery on Mars suggests that the water on Mars is not temporary like the other previous discoveries but a persistent body of water that provides the conditions for life for extended periods of time. 

The temperature is likely below the freezing point to that of pure water, but due to the presence of magnesium, calcium, and sodium it can remain liquid. 

Since the lake is so cold and briny, and mixed with a heavy dose of dissolved Martian salts and minerals, some experts are skeptical of the possibility. 

This discovery can turn helpful to humans. Being able to access water sources could also help humans survive on a future crewed mission to Earth's neighboring planet. 

This particular lake, however, would not be drinkable, and lies almost a mile deep (1.5 kilometers) beneath the icy surface in a harsh and frigid environment. 

Such discoveries are key to unlocking the mystery of whether life ever formed on Mars in its ancient past, or if it might persist today that's why scientists are eager to find signs of contemporary water. 

A region called Planum Australe which is located in the southern ice cap of Mars is surveyed by the lead author Roberto Orosei of the Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica in Bologna, Italyfrom May 2012 until December 2015. 

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With the use of radar instruments on board the European Space Agency's Mars Express orbiter, launched in 2003 the discovery was made. 

The tool is called the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS). The tool was designed to find subsurface water by sending radar pulses that penetrate the surface and ice caps.

It is bound to heighten speculation about the presence of living organisms on the Red Planet and is a discovery of extraordinary significance. 

The reflections provide scientists with information about what lies beneath the surface. There are total of 29 number of sets of radar samplings which helped scientists to map the outlines of the lake.

That's all from this blog, First Lake Of Liquid Water Discovered On Mars. Hope you like it. I upload this types of blogs regularly and all of us will reveal the mysteries of universe and space.

Thank you.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

July 25, 2018

Some Amazing Facts of our Solar System You Should Know! | Spacegrips

Some Amazing Facts of our Solar System You Should Know!

Some Amazing Facts of our Solar System You Should Know!

The Solar System formed 4.6 billion years ago from the gravitational collapse of a giant interstellar molecular cloud. It includes the family of 8 planets orbiting the sun, as well as moons of these planets, and smaller objects, such as comets, asteroids, and bits of space rock.

Here are some important facts you should know about our solar system:

Summer at south pole on Uranus lasts 42 years:

Summer at south pole on Uranus lasts 42 years

The Poles on Uranus are warmer than the equator. Because Uranus is tilted on its side, the poles are the warmest places on the planet. Summer at south pole lasts 42 years!

Mars has the biggest volcano in our solar system:

Mars has the biggest volcano in our solar system:

There's a record-breaking volcano on Mars. Olympus Mons is about 370 miles across and towers over 15 miles high. It's the solar system's biggest volcano. Long ago it spurted out runny rivers of black lava.

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Triton is one of the coldest places ever recorded:

Triton is one of the coldest places ever recorded:

Triton is the moon of Neptune. It is about four-fifths the size of our moon. It is one of the coldest places ever recorded. The Temperature on the ice-covered moon is minus 392 F. That's just 98 F away from being the lowest possible temperature in the entire universe.

Hyperion is the largest non-spherical moon in the solar system:
Hyperion is the largest non-spherical moon in the solar system

Hyperion, one of Saturn's moons, is the largest non-spherical moon in the Solar System.  It is distinguished by its irregular shape, its chaotic rotation, and its unexplained sponge-like appearance. It was the first non-round moon to be discovered. It is half as dense as water and would actually float in a bathtub if it was big enough.

Pluto is smaller than the United States:

Pluto is smaller than the United States:

Pluto is a dwarf planet - the smallest in the solar system. At 1,463 miles across, it is less than half in width than the United States which is nearly 2,900 miles. that's why in 2006, the International Astronomical Union changed Pluto’s status from major planet to dwarf planet.

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That's all from this short and simple blog. This was all about Some Amazing Facts of our Solar System You Should Know!

Hope you like it. I upload this types of facts and information regularly. 


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Sunday, July 8, 2018

July 08, 2018

The top facts about the Planet: Uranus | Coldest Planet of Solar System | Spacegrips

Uranus the seventh planet from the sun. It is also the third largest planet in our solar system. The fourth-largest planetary mass and third-largest planetary radius belongs to this planet.In our solar system there are four gaseous planets, but Uranus and Neptune are kept in the category of Ice Giants that make them separate from Gas Giants.

Here are the top facts about the Planet: Uranus

top facts about the Planet: Uranus

Rings of the Uranus: 

Rings Of Uranus
Rings Of Uranus
Uranus also has rings which the second most vivid in the Solar System. It has 11 inner and  2 outer rings making it 13 distinct rings. 

The rings are not as spectacular as Saturn's ring but the brightest ring is the epsilon ring. Since this ring is very few kilometers wide, it is not believed to have formed with Uranus.

One of the least dense planet in the Solar system:

Uranus is the least densest planet which is next to the planet Saturn. The planet would float if it were placed in a pool around 70,000 km wide. The density of the planet is 1.23 grams per cubic centimeter. 

Assuming you can stand on its cloud tops we can experience roughly 89% of the force of gravity. The reason for this is its low density.

Only a single trip to Uranus has been made yet: Voyager 2

The only spacecraft to pass to pass the planet is the Voyager 2. In 1986, NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft flown past Uranus. When it was flying it was at a distance of around 81,500 km away from the surface of the planet. 
Only a single trip to Uranus has been made yet: Voyager 2
Including the very first close-up photos of the Uranus the mission has brought lots of information about the planet. 

Scientists got to know about its orbiting moons and its ring system. As close as Voyager 2 no other spacecraft has approached this planet yet.
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Moons of Uranus are named after characters created by Alexander Pope and William Shakespeare:

Uranus have 27 moons and three of them are named after the characters created by Alexander Pope and Shakespeare. These include Oberon, Titania and Miranda. Miranda is the most interesting moon. 

It has terraces, canyons and other strange looking surface areas. Rest of the moon, all are frozen worlds with dark surfaces.

The only planet in the Solar system that takes its name from Greek mythology:

Sir William Herschel
Sir William Herschel
Planets were named after Roman gods which is the traditional rule, but it's not the case with Uranus. Uranus got its name from the Greek god of the sky, Ouranos. 

A German astronomer named Johann Bode proposed the name Uranus.

Although Herschel don't want it to be like that. After King George III of England as “Georgian Sidus,” he named the planet which actually means “The Georgian Planet.”

Uranus is the coldest planet in the solar system:

Uranus is nearly coldest planet in the solar system with minimum atmospheric temperature of -224°C. Its climate is also very extreme. The atmosphere gets heated up that can start spring storms if it’s not chilled. 

While Neptune doesn’t get as cold as Uranus. The upper atmosphere of Uranus is covered by a methane haze which hides the storms that take place in the cloud decks.

Uranus orbits the sun sideways in a clockwise direction:

Uranus orbits the sun sideways in a clockwise direction
We all know that the other planets in the solar system spin around the sun but this is not the case with the planet Uranus. Uranus “rolls” around the sun.  

Uranus is tipped over with an axial tilt of 98 degrees whereas the  Saturn’s is at 26.7 degrees tilted away from the sun, Earth’s is at 23.5 degrees and Mars’s is at 24 degrees.

Uranus's one year in is equivalent to 84 Earth years:

Yes, it's true. One year on Uranus is equal to 84 years on the Earth. Uranus is about 2.8 billion kilometres away from the sun. 
Uranus's one year in is equivalent to 84 Earth years
This is the main it reason it takes so long period to complete one round of the sun. 

The planet will last for 42 Earth years, and this will be followed by winter for another 42 years. Although 1 revolution is completed by Uranus in 17 hours and 14 minutes.

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 A chemical element, Uranium is named after the planet:

UraniumUranium is the chemical element that is named after Uranus.  

Just a few years after the discovery of the planet in 1789, German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth named the chemical element after Uranus

So these are some of the amazing facts about the planet: Uranus

That's all from this blog. Hope you like it. I upload this types of blogs regularly and all of us will reveal the mysteries of universe and space.

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Friday, June 29, 2018

June 29, 2018

Top 10 Strangest Things In Space | Spacegrips

Top 10 Strangest Things In Space

Top 10 Strangest Things In Space

1. Dark Matter: 

Dark Matter
Dark Matter
Dark matter is a form of matter which is theorized. Around 80% of the matter in the universe is the Dark Matter. Most of the dark matter is non-baryonic in nature. 

It's presence is only implied in variety of astrophysical observations which also include gravitational effect which cannot be explained unless more matter is present. 

Hence, dark matter can not be directly observed. Some scientists also question whether dark matter is even real. Due to non-visibility most experts also think dark matter to be ubiquitous in the universe which has a strong influence on its evolution and structure.

2. Cosmic Microwave Background:

The Cosmic Microwave Background also known as the CMB is a radiation which is remnant from primal stage of universe caused in Big Bang cosmology. 
Cosmic Appearance
Cosmic Appearance 

During the 1960s the CMB as a radio noise that seemed to emanate from everywhere in space, was first detected.

The CMB is regarded as one of the best pieces of evidence for the theoretical Big Bang

It is believed by of the most cosmologists that the Big Bang model of the universe is the best explanation for the Cosmic Microwave Background.

3. The Universe’s Largest Water Reservoir:

In the heart of a quasar about 12 billion light years away, the universe’s largest water reservoir resides. Unfortunately the water manifests itself in the form of a massive cloud of gas. 

It contains water of 140 trillion times the amount of water in Earth’s oceans. It is spewing out huge amounts of energy which is equivalent to the energy produced by 1000 trillion suns. 

The black hole which have these reservoir is twenty billion times the size of our sun. 

4. Mini-Black Holes:

The mini-black holes are primordial leftovers from the Big Bang. Since they are so small, they also have a little bit of difficulty when it comes to forming on their own. 
Mini Black Holes
Mini Black Holes
Mini black holes are associated with the 5th dimension. According to quantum mechanics, mini black holes spontaneously throw out energy before evaporating in a final violent explosion after billions of years in existence. Moreover these black holes may not be as black as heavier black holes

5. Galactic Cannibalism:

The collision of two galaxies and the subsequent absorption of parts of one into the other is known as Galactic Cannibalism. In many corners of the universe, galaxies are much more tightly packed. 
Galactic Cannibalism
Galactic Cannibalism

Our neighbor galaxy is the Andromeda which is over 2.5 million light years away. Distortion of galaxies not only occur in Galactic cannibalism, though new stars are born. 

A major component of galaxies are clouds. When the collision among the galaxies takes place, their individual gravitational forces reach out and pull the other in.

6. The Diamond Planet:

The planet, 55 Cancri e, which is also known as Diamond Planet is twice the size of Earth and is so rich in carbon that it holds at least three times our planet's mass in diamonds. 

Diamond Planet
Diamond Planet
Until its partner began to cannibalize it, the huge diamond planet was once a star in a binary system. About one third of the mass of the planet is said to be pure diamond. 

The surface on 55 Cancri e is covered in the dark stuff of pencils, graphite and with diamonds pushing through from layers underneath.

7. Gravity Waves:

As predicted by Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity, gravity waves are distortions in the fabric of space-time. They are so weak that scientists expect to detect only those created during colossal cosmic events. 
Gravity Waves
Gravity Waves
Catastrophic events such as colliding black holes and the collapse of stellar cores produce the strongest gravitational waves. It travels at the speed of light. In order to spot these elusive waves they are two detectors designed namely LISA and LIGO.

8. Neutrinos:

The virtual mass-less elementary particles that can pass through miles of lead unhindered which are electrically neutral is known to be Neutrinos. Some are passing through our body too. 

These particles are produced in the inner fires of burning, supernova explosions of dying stars as well as in the healthy stars. 

As a neutrino-detecting project, detectors are embedded underground. Some are in the form of Ice Cubes in large chunks of ice or beneath the sea.

9. Exoplanets:

Exoplanets are the planets outside of our solar system. In 1992 the first confirmed detection of exoplanets occurred. 

Earlier astronomers identified more than 500 extra solar planets. However, searches for a second earth are still going on. 

Interest in the search for extraterrestrial life has intensified by the discovery of exoplanets. In 2,834 systems, with 629 systems having more than one planet there are 3,786 confirmed planets till June 2nd 2018.

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10. Vacuum Energy:

A special case of zero-point energy that relates to the quantum vacuum is the vacuum energy. It exists in the space throughout the entire universe. 
Vacuum Energy
Vacuum Energy
 According to general   relativity, vacuum   energy produces an   anti-gravitational force   that pushes space apart. Vacuum energy's effects can be experimentally observed in various phenomena such as the Casimir effect, spontaneous emission and the Lamb shift. 

On cosmological scales they are thought to influence the behavior of the Universe. It is also an underlying background energy that nobody knows what's really causing the accelerated expansion of the universe.

So these are the top 10 strangest things in Space.

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That's all from this blog. Hope you like it. I upload this types of blogs regularly and all of us will reveal the mysteries of universe and space.

Thank you.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

June 26, 2018

Mercury Facts - 15 Interesting Facts about Planet Mercury | Closest Planet To Sun - Spacegrips

The closest planet to the Sun is none other than Mercury. Also it is the first planet of our solar system. It is lowest in terms of weights and is the smallest planet in our solar system.

Mercury takes 28 days to complete one revolution of the sun. It has mass of 1 lakh crore 3285 crore. 


The average diameter of the planet is near about 4880 kilometer and it's distance from the sun is 5 crore 76 lakh kilometers.

1. Mercury revolves around three times on its axis in orbit around the Sun which means mercury has three days in the planet's two years. 

Until 1962, it was believed that the time of one day of Mercury and one year is equal.

2. There is no stability in the environment of Mercury. There is no special layer of atmospheres around it. 

The reason behind it's instability of environment is the slightest nuclear solar wind due to it's very high temperature and due to the very warm conditions. 

It flies into the space soon enough making the environment unstable. 

3. Mercury is on the orbital path orbiting the Sun. It's maximum distance is approximately 7 million kilometers, while the nearest distance to the Sun is about 460 million kilometers.

4. About 1 million 80 thousand kilometers per hour, mercury planet orbits all the other planets at a rapid pace. Our planet earth moves with a speed of approximately 1, 70, 000 kilometers per hour. 

Mercury travels 47.362 kilometers in a second and the earth is 29.78 kilometers when the speed is compared in seconds.

5. There are many craters on the surface of the planet and the surface is also rugged. 

Some of the pits are very big, hundreds of kilometers long and three kilometers deep.
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6. In order to see the planet mercury with our naked eyes we must see/search the planet at the time of sunset or at right before the sunrise.

7. The planet is smaller than Titan which is the satellite of Saturn and also it is smaller than the Jupiter's Ganymede

Before 2006 when Pluto was considered as a planet, mercury was the second smallest planet in our solar system

8. The temperature also vary on the planet depending on the time. If it is day then the temperature reaches to 450 ° C while the night temperature is in between -1 ° C  to -176 ° C which is really a huge difference.
Mercury Planet
Mercury Planet
9. After earth, mercury is the most dense object. It has a density of 5.43 gm / cm3 whereas the earth have 5.51 gm / cm3. 

So much density indicates that the center of mercury is made of iron like the center of the earth and its iron center is larger than the earth's iron center. 

Although mercury is 26 times smaller than earth. But despite of being small it is much more dense.

10. Because mercury moves in space very rapidly the people of ancient Rome called Mercury to be the messengers of the Gods.

11. Galileo Galilee, the great scientist was the first person to see the planet mercury through his telescope.

12. The Mercury name is named after the name of a Roman God named Mercury.
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13. Planet mercury's gravitational force is weak due to which it has no satellite or round ring.

14. The Sun will be three times its size when mercury is closest to the Sun.

15. And lastly if your weight on earth is 100 kg then on mercury it will be 38 kg.

There are other amazing mysteries regarding this planet but since this article is about the facts of the planet, I will tell those amazing mysteries later in some article. Peace.

That's all from this blog. Hope you like it. I upload this types of blogs regularly and all of us will reveal the mysteries of universe and space.

Thank you.

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Sunday, June 24, 2018

June 24, 2018

Amazing Facts about the Natural Satellite: Moon | Do you know ? | Spacegrips

Amazing Facts about the Natural Satellite: Moon

The only natural satellite of our planet earth is the Moon. Moon takes 27.3 days days to complete one revolution of the Earth. 

Around 450 million years ago, a meteor called " Thaiah " collided with the earth, which is the reason due to which some part of the Earth was broken down which became a moon. These facts where put by the scientists in front of the world. 

Natural Satellite: Moon
Moon is also responsible for the tide coming to the Earth's oceans.

1. The moon's weight is approximately 81,00,00,00,000 (81 billion) tons.

2. Only 12 people have gone to the moon. Since 1972, there not been an astronaut for the last 46 years on the moon.

3. The entire moon is 9 times more luminous than the half moon.

4. Moon is only 27% of the size of the earth. It is very much smaller as compared to earth.

5. If an individual weight is 70 kg on Earth then his/her weight on the moon will be 11.56 kg which is due to the gravity on the moon

This also result in leaping of astronauts much more on the surface of the moon.

6. We all see moon everyday but we don't know one thing that we see is that we only see about 59% of Moon from Earth which means only 59% of Moon is visible from Earth.

7. The moon revolves in such a manner that till now we saw it's one part or one side. We have never seen moon's other part or side from earth although we can see the other part in the photos taken by the spacecrafts.

8. When all the Apollo spacecrafts came back to earth from the moon, it was not only the spacecrafts that came. The spacecrafts came with a total of 296 pieces of rock.

9. The fact is amazing that about 9 moons can be easily fit into the Earth and it's diameter is only the fourth part of the earth's diameter. 

10. The foot mark of Neil Armstrong on the surface of moon when he landed is still there on the surface of the moon

This is because on the moon there is no air which will erase that mark. It will remain there for very long time. 

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11. Every year the moon  is going away or say falling away from earth every year with 4 cm. If it continues then after 50 billion years the moon will complete one revolution of earth in 47 days instead of 27.3 days. 
Natural Satellite: Moon
But it will only happen when you believe that the earth will survive till that number of years.

13. During the 1950 s, the United States had planned to blow out the moon with an atom bomb.

14. In 181 satellites of the solar system the size of the moon is at number 5.

15. The credit for discovery of water on the moon goes to India. Before India many scientists believed that there would be water on the moon but none of them could find it. 

16. Area of the Moon is very much equal to that of the area of Africa.

17. The transit of moon at night reaches -153 ° C while during the day it's 180 ° C.

18. NASA has provided the facility of WiFi connection on the moon which also set a world record. Also it's speed is 19 mbps which makes this fact more amazing.

19. Whenever there is a lunar eclipse on the earth then there will be solar eclipse occurring on the moon

20. You will be surprised to know that there are many left-out stuffs from the earth on the moon. Those were left by the astronauts who got there. It includes stools, urine and also vomiting of the astronauts.

21. We should also know about the shape of the moon which is not round. It's shape is like the egg's shape. 

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22. Due to the gravitational power of the moon, it has no atmosphere on it. The risk of presence of the meteorite remains constant due to the non-atmospheric absence of solar wind and meteorite on moon.

23. On the moon apart from those stuffs there is a man made debris of about 1,81,400 kilos lying on the surface of the moon. The debris consists of crashed artificial satellites with about more than 70 space shuttles.

Btw there is no point number 12. Did you get that at that time only?

That's all from this blog. Hope you like it. I upload this types of blogs regularly and all of us will reveal the mysteries of universe and space.Thank you.

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