
Sunday, June 17, 2018

Top Facts about Biggest Planet: Jupiter | Amazing information | Spacegrips

 Facts and Info about Biggest Planet: Jupiter

Jupiter is the largest planet of our solar system and is the 5th planet from the Sun

This planet has been classified with the planet like Saturn due to it's gaseous structure. 

Jupiter planet's mass is equal to 2.5 times the total mass of other planets (seven planets) and thousand part of the Sun

Biggest Planet: Jupiter
1. The mass of Jupiter is 18,98,130 trillion kilograms with Polar Diameter - 1,33,709 kms and Equaterial Diameter - 1,42,984 km also it has 67 number of satellite. 

It's distance from the Sun is around 77 million 83 million 39 thousand and 820 kilometers.
2. Jupiter mass is 318 times more than that of Earth. It has a surface temperature of -108 ° C. The density of gases on it's surface increases with depth. These surface is not solid on Jupiter.

3. Jupiter takes approximately 9 hours and 55 minutes to complete one day which means to take a round on it's axis which is much more smaller than all the other planets.

4. Jupiter planet is composed of 10% helium, 90% hydrogen and some methane, ammonia, water and rocky particles. So, basically this planet as all in one but it doesn't have any quantity of oxygen or carbon dioxide.

5. It's atmosphere is also composed of many cloud layers. All of these clouds are located above the planet which can be seen in the pictures. Due to the chemical reaction of various elements the clouds appears to be colorful.

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6. The planet is attached with many ancient beliefs. According to Hindu beliefs, the planet Jupiter is the teacher of all Gods. Also according to the Romans, Saturn is the father of the planet Jupiter and it also the King of the Gods which are the protector of the Roman Empire and the emperor of Olympus.

7. With the help of a telescope, Galileo first saw this planet back in 1610. There after seeing this planet he discovered many facts about it. He also discovered the satellites of the planet and found four largest satellites. 

They are Ayo, Europa, Ganymede and Calisto. Among all these satellites, Ganymede satellite is the largest satellite in the solar system. After being discovered by Galileo these satellites are called Galilean satellite.

Biggest Planet: Jupiter
8. Clouds of the Jupiter are turning red. It is a result of the tornado which is going on the Jupiter from past 350 years. The 'Jupiter's Red Eye' is nothing but the tornado which looks like a spot. 

The tornado is so big that it can contain three Earths. The spot is of high pressure area where clouds in comparison to surrounding areas is much more cooler. 

Till now scientists have not yet figured out that how these high pressure areas remain for so long. Somewhere same type but small tornadoes are seen on Saturn and Neptune too but that's not our point for this article. 

9. For many long time it was believed that the whole Earth is in the center of the universe and all the other planets are revolving around the Earth

But since Galileo had discovered the planet Jupiter, he always kept his eye on Jupiter for several years with the telescopes and as a result of that he found that the Jupiter's satellites were moving forward which proves that Jupiter's satellites are circling around it. Due to this it was cleared that the celestial bodies were not rotating the Earth.

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10. All total of eight missions have been sent to Jupiter till now. Firstly in 1973 the Pioneer 10 was sent and after that Pioneer 11, Voyager 1, Voyager 2, Galileo, Casini, Ulysses and the New Horizon were sent. 

Out of all these the Galileo which was sent on 10th October, 1989 remained in the orbit of Jupiter for eight years which got many several information. 

It entered the class of Flasher on 8th December, 1995 and continued working till September 21, 2003.

That's all from this blog. Hope you like it. I upload this types of blogs regularly and all of us will reveal the mysteries of universe and space.Thank you.

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