
Saturday, June 2, 2018

Top Facts and Info about the Last Planet: Neptune | Big Gas Giant

Neptune, a vast planet in our Solar System. In size it is bigger than the Earth. This planet was discovered on the basis of the theory of mathematics.

It is a cool planet. Since Pluto is not considered a planet, we call it the last planet of the solar system. 

Last Planet: Neptune
Img Credits: NASA

Top Facts About Last Planet: Neptune

On the basis of mass it is the third largest planet and fourth largest planet in the Solar System according to the diameter. Here are some of it's measures on various aspects:

Distance from the sun: It is 30.10 AU away from the sun which is 449 million 83 million 96 thousand 441 kilometers.

A year on Neptune: It is around 164.79 years on Earth which is equal to 1 year on Neptune or 60,190 days in the same.

Average Temperature: -201° C on 1,55,600 kilo-meters of surface.

Mass: L,02,410 trillion billion kilograms which is 17.15 times more than the Earth.

Diameter (view): 49,528 kilometers

Polar Diameter: 48,682

Number of Satellites: 14 

Apart from all these figures Neptune has it's own interesting facts.

Mystery of last Planet: Neptune
Credits: NASA
1. Neptune is the first planet whose estimate was applied and discovered on mathematical basis. 

When Uranus's orbit was being studied by the scientist, they found that the planet Uranus's class did not follow the Newton's theories. 

With mathematical theories it was estimated that another planet was affecting the orbits of the planet Uranus.

2. It (Neptune) looks like a twinkling star with the naked eyes, because it is too far away from the Earth which is the reason the people of past (ancient) could not find this planet.

3. On the basis of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, La Verriere of France and England 's Adams (John Couch Adams) independently calculated the location of Neptune.

The planet was discovered near the location that was calculated on September 23, 1846. 

4. There was a dispute between Adams and Le Verriere for this planet when the Neptune planet was discovered, resulting that the discovery of Neptune was given to these two scientists. 

But later studies showed that there was distraction by the location of Neptune, planted by both of these scientists and the meeting with Neptune was a coincidence rather than the calculations made by them.

Also Read:

5. Even before when Galileo was studying Jupiter, he wrote in his paintings that he saw Neptune near Jupiter. He saw Neptune turning his position in reference to a star two nights. 

Neptune moved away from the telescope of the Galileo in the later night. It is a matter of taking care that only stars in the sky, cannot be seen doing the movement, only the planets, satellites and meteors are seen to move. 

Galileo would have noticed its speed if he had seen Neptune in the first few nights and all the credited credits of discovery would have gone to Galileo.

6. The name 'Neptune' of this planet is kept on Neptune by considering it to be the God of Samundra (Ocean) in ancient Roman religion

It is called Varun in Hindi that's why this place in ancient India is of 'Varuna Deity'.

7. The structure of Neptune is almost the same as Uranus. It is mainly made of rock and various kinds of ice which is same as Uranus

But one difference could be seen that the color of the Neptune is much more blue than the Uranus.

8. Neptune also has rings as like other gaseous planets. Five rings have been discovered so far. 

The Newtonian rings are blurred like Jupiter's rings. When seen from the Earth by a telescope they are seen broken like arc.

9. Till now, the 14 satellites of Neptune (Moon) has been discovered. Among all of them Triton is the largest and important moon. 

More Info: 

Triton is the seventh largest satellite of the Solar System. It is mainly made up of nitrogen and is one of the coolest places in the solar system. 

If the mass of all satellites in Uranus is added then it will be less than half of the mass of the Triton.

10. Neptune planet is like a huge ball made of ice and gas on which anyone stand, he or she will move below. 

Surface of Neptune
Surface Of Neptune
Credits: NASA
When it comes to walking on surface of Neptune, it has one amazing fact that while walking on it's surface one will feel like walking on the Earth.

The reason behind this amazing fact is the gravity. Neptune has a gravity which is only 17 % more than the Earth's gravity which is the lowest gravity in the world as compared to any other planet.

11. Till now, only one campaign or rather to say spacecraft has reached Neptune. The Voyager 2 spacecraft reached Neptune in 1989, that sent important information about this planet. 

Voyager Approaching Neptune
Voyager | Neptune
Credits: NASA
The spacecraft sent many pictures of its satellites and planet too. The Hubble telescope and some other telescopes located on Earth have also raised information regarding this planet.

In point number 10 you read about the amazing fact of planet Neptune which is about the walking on its surface. 

But the main question is in order to walk on it's surface we need to get there first which is currently impossible. 

Let's hope one day we keep our feet on the surface of Neptune keeping aside the temperature which is -201° C :p

That's all from this blog. Hope you like it. I upload this types of blogs regularly and all of us will reveal the mysteries of universe and space.Thank you.

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