
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Pluto- Dwarf Planet | Giant Comet | No more Planet of Solar System

      Pluto- The Dwarf Planet | Giant Comet 

When NASA sailed the mission 'New Horizons', Pluto had the status of the ninth planet of the solar system at that time. Those days we all studied that we have all total 9 planets in our solar system including our planet Earth.

Meanwhile NASA started working on it's new mission and everything was getting ready for a space craft to take off from Earth

Pluto-Dwarf Planet | Giant Comet | No more Planet of Solar System
Img Credit: NASA

A few months after the departure of space craft for this mission, the international agency, i.e., International Astronomical Union (IAU) recognized the discovery of new objects. 

It was during it's inspection and named them and kept it as the first to debate the definition of planets for the first time.

The debate took place holding many great scientists together and unwrapping the real truth about the discovery of new objects. After all this discussion, Pluto's status of being the 9th planet of our solar system was snatched from the planet. 

It was identified as a 'dwarf planet' which got discovered further in the pile of the Kuiper belt. It is now officially known as 'Astroide Number 134340'. 

Hubble Space Telescope of NASA has also helped in revealing the evidence of Pluto's crust which might contain complex organic molecules.

Since our childhood, we have been reading that there are nine planets in the solar system, but years ago, a planet was removed from this category. 

Now you will say why this discrimination? 

Why it is not considered as a planet?

Pluto-Dwarf Planet | Giant Comet | No more PlanetPluto-Dwarf Planet
Img Credit: NASA

Due to the small and quite distant planet of Pluto from our earth, it was also very difficult for NASA to note down further more information though they managed to get some.

It is now also known as the 'Dwarf Planet'. On August 24, 2006 this planet was extinguished by astronomical scientists from the planetary class.

Also Read:

Some more special things about Pluto:

Pluto was out of the planetary class on August 24, 2006. To make this statement and finalize this dicision about 2.5 billion astronomers gathered in Prague and voted on this topic. The meeting was amongst the International Astronomical Union

After the meeting it was agreed with the majority off all. In order to join the so called planet Pluto in the solar system's planets list they set three standards which is as follows:

1. It should revolves around the Sun.

2. It must be so big that due to its gravity force its shape becomes        almost circular.

3. It is so strong that it can make its own independent class apart          from the other objects.

Every standards were ticked and fulfilled apart from standard number 3. It didn't matched and hence Pluto does not come true. This happened because during orbit of the Sun, its orbit collides with the orbit of Neptune

Therefore from that point onwards Pluto is no longer entitled to a planet. But in 1930 when Pluto was discovered it was given the status of planet with great respect. 

Although a section of astronomers from the very beginning, it was not particularly thought of as a planet due to its small size. The second biggest dwarf planet of this universe is Pluto

Apart from this, the category of dwarf planets includes the 2003 UB 313 and the SyrengeThe diameter of this dwarf planet (Pluto) is approximately 2370 km.

Pluto, the Earth's satellite is smaller than the MoonIt is a mixture of many colors, such a mixture of colors is not found in any planet in the Solar System

For More Info:

Due to the weather change the combination of colors takes place.
Pluto has all total of five satellites. It's largest satellite is Sheran

It was discovered in 1978 after that followed by Hydra and Knicks in 2005. Founded in 2011 in Kerberas and was discovered in Caitx 2012.

The atmosphere of Pluto is very thin which is made of methane, nitrogen and carbon monoxide. When Pluto moves away from the Sun while orbiting it, the atmosphere starts getting colder.

It starts growing cold, and some part of it's gases found on it are snowflake but due to which Pluto's atmosphere becomes even more rare. 

Similarly when Pluto slowly starts coming to the sun, some part of those gases melt and spreads into the atmosphere. This way the atmosphere of Pluto remains throughout the year.

All we knew was that Pluto is the 9th planet of our solar system but now we know that it is not more than a dwarf planet

Now one question arrived in the mind that, Neptune..Is it really a complete planet?

That's all from this blog. Hope you like it. I upload this types of blogs regularly and all of us will reveal the mysteries of universe and space.

Thank you.

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