
Sunday, June 10, 2018

Top 30 Amazing Facts about the Biggest Star: Sun | Brightest Star in the Galaxy

Top 30 Amazing Facts about the Biggest Star: Sun 

Biggest Star: Sun
1. Sun which is a gas ball consist of 72% hydrogen, 26% Helium and 2% Carbon and Oxygen. Rest part is composed of many heavy elements like iron and neon.

2. All the shine which we see on the earth basically all the sunshine is 99.24% of sunshine of sun.

3. It takes 8 minutes and 20 seconds but when it is the closest to the sun then is takes 8 minutes and 7 seconds and when it is farthest it takes 8 minutes 27 seconds.

4. About 10 lakh billion neutrons left by Sun are passing through our body when and wherever we are doing anything.  

5. If we assume a football to be the sun then earth will be less than a pea. Sun is comparatively very very huge than the earth.

6. The temperature of sun is also very high. Outer surface has the temperature of 5500 degrees Celsius while the inner part temperature is 1 million 31 lakh degree Celsius.

7. The mas i.e., weight is approximately 1.989 X 1030 kg which is really a very huge giant.

8. The particles like electrons and protons are formed by the large amount of solar winds made by the sun. The speed of wind is 450 kilometers per second. 

It is so fast and powerful that it emerges from the gravity of the current electron and proton sun

9. With every second of the sun changes to 6 million 95 million tonnes of helium, 7 million tonnes of hydrogen and the 5 lakh tons turn into gamma rays.

10. With the every second the weight of sun decreases to 50 million tons.

11. Sun eclipse is seen in 360 days on earth everywhere. It stays up to 7 minutes and 40 seconds apart from the symbiotic sun eclipse which remain up to 20 minutes.

12. The suppression of the inner part of the sun is 340 billion times greater than the atmosphere of Earth.

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Also talking about the density, Sun has 150 times more than the density of the current water on the earth.

13. The surface area of sun is 11990 times more than the surface area of earth.

14. If you think that sun is solid like earth then you are wrong because sun is made of gases.

15. The gravity of sun is 28 times higher than earth which means if someone weight is 70 kg then it will be 1960 kg at the sun.

16. The perfect example for it's gravity is that it is so powerful that the Pluto planet located 6 billion kilometers away is moving in it's gravity due to it's gravity. 

If any object enters the sun within 2 million 22 thousand kilometers then the sun will pull it towards itself.

17. Sun, just like earth which completes one revolution in 24 hours on it's axis, the sun completes one revolution in 25 days in front of it's smoke.

18. Light takes 5 hours and 30 minutes to reach Pluto from the Sun.

19. The energy that is received by sun in only 30 days is equal to energy consumed by humans in 40,000 years.

20. The energy generated by a square centimeter of the sun will be more than enough to lit 64 bulbs of 100 watts of energy each.

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21. Sun has rotated the galaxy only 20 times since it's birth. Sun takes 25 million years to complete one revolution.

22. The sun will start shining 10 % more from now after 1 billion 10 million years later which result in Earth's atmosphere and moisture to fly in space due to the temperature.

23. From 5 billion 40 million years from now all the hydrogen will be vanished from the sun.

24. The sun will turned into red demon after about 7 billion and  70 million years from now. 

25. Sun is the biggest object of our solar system. It is so big that it can contain about 13 lakhs of Earth.

26. When we talk about stars there are 5 % stars in the galaxy which are bigger than the sun.

27. There is a nuclear fusion action inside the Sun which is exactly like the action that occurs on the hydrogen bomb burst.

28. Distance of sun from earth is 14 million 96 lakh kilometers. If an object starts it's journey now from earth with speed of 120 kilometer per hours then it will take 151 years to reach the sun.

29. The strong sunlight is the result of continuous change of hydrogen changing helium in Gamma rays.

30. Sun appears to be yellow due to it's environment but the true color of the sun is white.

That's all from this blog. Hope you like it. I upload this types of blogs regularly and all of us will reveal the mysteries of universe and space.Thank you.

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