
Thursday, May 24, 2018

Do Aliens Exist? The question still needs to be answered | Extraterrestrial Life

Some people say that we all are not living alone in this entire universe. This means Aliens are real.

Some people also describe and narrate their own haunted experiences of aliens following them in their night walks, mostly in the small town yards/fields in America.

Aliens on Earth
Credits: Pixabay

All these things assembles our thoughts to think whether aliens exist or not. Also day by day increasing reports regarding the aliens evidence have increased our doubts much more. 

Whatever you think you can relate to our thoughts below.

• Scientists are also confuse on the fact that is there any megastructure of alien orbiting a distant star ?

Flickering of a distant star was observed by scientists. Jason Wright, researcher was the first person to observe and suggest that aliens could be responsible for the flickering of the stars.

Tabby's Star in Solar System
Tabby's Star
Credit: NASA

Last year in October new theory was explained behind the reason for a bizarre blinking of that distant star, i.e. Tabby's Star which caused it's light to dim eventualy.

The light was being blocked by a huge object called a Dyson Sphere which is a theoretical structure built all around the star in order to harvest its energy.

It was claimed that the behaviour of Tabby's Star was caused by a swarm of orbiting comets that block out the light or it could be result of complex phenomenon called avalache statistics.

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• It is also believed that Alien Life (Extraterrestrials ) living in an ocean on Jupiter's moon

Europa, which is about the size of Earth's moon is believed by scientist that it has an ocean hidden beneath its frozen crust. It might be possible that scientist could find alien organisms if this turn to be correct.

Europa Moon
Credit: NASA
Earlier it was thought that moon contain huge ocean as twice as much water as Earth's oceans. NASA also said that Europa, best place in solar system to look for present day life apart from our home planet. 

They also believed it has found evidence vapour of water plumes becoming active on the surface of Jupiter's moon.

• There have been lots of evidences of ancient times regarding aliens and UFOs

It was not easy or rather to say impossible for ancient people to find out the evidences of UFO and aliens. There is one ancient picture of The Madonna with Saint Giovannino which is also called UFO painting.

The Madonna with Saint Giovannino
It is a 15th century painting for which the debates continue till today. It depicts the Virgin Mary, in backdrop of the painting, a man and his dog staring at a disk-like object that is suspiciously familiar (ufo).

This (painting) is not only the evidences of alien life in ancient times but  the ancient cave paintings and Sanskrit Scrolls are also depicting alien life. It is also in the Bible in The Book of Ezekiel.

•From the ancient evidences of aliens one more question rises is : Do the aliens trying to contact us ?

Since number of strange signals from distant stars have been recieved in recent years so some of the scientists and experts believe that aliens could be trying to contact us.

Now regarding this topic lots of debate gone on air and went off but ultimately none of us can get any satisfactory evidence about it.

Frank Drake
The likelihood of the existence of alien life was estimated by devising an equation by astronomer Frank Drake in 1961. And trust me or not there are around hundreds of thousands of such planets exist (technically).

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•Coming to the astronomers, many reports have been taken which indicates aliens life

There have been many reports regarding the UFOs. Many of the astronomers, who got there in space claims the sightings. Edgar Mitchell, Dr. Brian O'Leary also calimed the same.

UFO on Earth
Credits: NASA
The calims got more stronger when Buzz Aldrin shared his on board experience of Apollo 11 when they saw that something was flying alongside them.

They thought it was the detached rocket's final stage but the thinking was wrong untill mission control confirmed that it was more than 600 miles away.

•There are many several individual experience of aliens and their existence.

Several exoplanets have already been spotted which are outside our solar system. Kepler-NASA planet finding Spacecraft, discovered more than 400 exoplanets since its launch in 2009.

UFO and Aliens On Earth
Credits: Pixabay
According to the reports 216 Earth like exoplanets have been found within Goldilocks Zone. Since it is located thousands of light years away they are out of our reach which is turning to be the main problem.

Many dwarf planets have been found but still the doubts remained as doubts regarding the existence of the alien and aliens life.

Where they live ? Have aliens visited our earth? Question still to be answered...

That's all from this blog. Hope you like it. I upload this types of blogs regularly and all of us will reveal the mysteries of universe and space.

Thank you.

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